Our Impact
Over the next coming years our inspiring Street Art projects will be making a positive impact on young people’s lives, whether its a small group being wowed by what’s currently being skilfully created on the streets of London, with our Street Art Tour Program or a large class of children looking to join one of our termly projects, like our Pooch Program which promotes a positive insight into Street Art, whilst supporting children and young people to influence and lead their participation in the arts.
Supporting artist Donk inspiring young people with his clever use of a (paste up) for our “Pooch Project”
Creative arts subjects are being cut back in many secondary schools in England, a BBC survey suggests.
More than 1,200 schools responded - over 40% of secondary schools.
Of the schools that responded, nine in every 10 said they had cut back on lesson time, staff or facilities in at least one creative arts subject.
But Ofsted chief Amanda Spielman said academic subjects were the best route to higher-level study, particularly for working-class children.
However, schools told the BBC that the increased emphasis on core academic subjects, together with funding pressures, were the most common reasons for cutting back on resources for creative subjects.
Of the schools responding, four in 10 were spending less money on facilities, more than three out of 10 had reduced timetabled lessons, and some reported having fewer specialist staff.
Hence the importance of all that we can offer schools though out England and the positive impact we will have on them.